As an aside, in some cases organizations are reluctant to work with each other to create a common cause for a few reasons. One: funding – each group is competing for funding to get their ideas off the ground; Two: difference in paths to the common goal; Three: different goals altogether – some want open and free information available –others want to ‘sell’ the information.
Earth Organization for Sustainability: The EOS seeks to initiate projects that will improve local ecological & social sustainability. Our projects are designed to fit within and test hypotheses for a new kind of social system. Such projects include bio domes, fabrication labs, green energy projects, educational projects, migrant integration projects and aid programmes. Local EOS groups assess the needs of their local communities, then research and implement sustainable strategies to meet those needs and improve quality of life. We are growing the future, plant for plant.
Ceres: Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy. Through powerful networks and advocacy, Ceres tackles the world’s biggest sustainability challenges, including climate change, water scarcity and pollution, and human rights abuses.
New Economics Foundation: Working with people igniting change from below and we fight for change at the top
PACE: is about accelerating leadership, collaboration, investment, policy reform and action. We are convinced that through this type of programme that combines public-private leadership with specific large-scale collaborative action, we can help drive essential change that will be welcomed by responsive and responsible leaders globally.
One Community: One Community is working to demonstrate that sharing of resources, and open-source and free-sharing of ideas, is also significantly more ecologically sustainable and a pathway to enhanced efficiency, ingenuity, and teamwork.
Kate Raworth: 1. Change the goal: from GDP growth to the Doughnut. 2. See the big picture: from self-contained market to embedded economy. 3. Nurture human nature: from rational economic man to social adaptable humans. 4. Get savvy with systems: from mechanical equilibrium to dynamic complexity. 5. Design to distribute: from ‘growth will even it up again’ to distributive by design. 6. Create to regenerate: from ‘growth will clean it up again’ to regenerative by design. 7. Be Agnostic about Growth: from growth-addicted to growth-agnostic.
Voyager: Our purpose is to build a network of human collaboration to conquer global problems by creating a platform which will empower, motivate and support people who wish to make a positive impact on a local or global scale.
Interfaith Consortium for Ecological Civilization: The mission of ICEC is to facilitate a dialogue among the various sectors of society on ecological civilization, gather wisdom from this dialogue that will inspire and guide individual and social transformations, and lead in the transition to ecological civilization
There are so many more organizations that are working toward a society that values: healthy planet, healthy people, healthy economics that encourage accessibility (to education, health care, housing, etc.) for ALL people, and above all peaceful communications so that the world’s resources are not available to only those that can afford or take (by force) them, but by communicating in such a way that all can have access to the abundance of energy, food, and support that is available.