John Taube        1996    Published in:  Technocracy Digest, 1st quarter 1996, No. 319  

North America’s culture is a culture of science — which if taken full advantage of — will usher in a new way of life. Let’s pause and reflect on science, wars, and “crimes against humanity.”

Science. On August 4th, a good portion of both the electronic and printed media focused on a marvel of science. A four-year old boy, through the wonders of science, has an ear implant, and for the first time, is able to hear. What a magnificent difference science has made in his life.

War. August 6th was the celebration (?) of Hiroshima, 50 years after. That, of course, is both war and science. Science, or better still, its misuse, makes science two-faced — it can drastically improve life and/or end life, maybe all life.

Crimes Against Humanity. This is an expression coined in 1946, but no attempt has been made to find the origin of “crimes against humanity.” Consider this as a realistic possible origin: before the era of science, when civilization was in its infancy, a clan suffered a natural disaster that destroyed its food supply. This clan invaded a neighbor’s territory, killed all that clan’s people and, as a spoil of war, took their entire food supply. This could very well be the origin of “crimes against humanity.”

Mr. and Mrs. Will Durant, in their book, The Lesson in History tell us that, of the 3,421 years of record history, 3,153 (98 percent) were war years. With no stretch of imagination, one realizes that during 98 percent of human history “crimes against humanity” were an accepted part of life.

North America has the possibility of reversing this aspect of history because its applied science — technology — is so huge. If we adjust properly to our ability to produce abundance, utilizing science’s best, we can bring future wars to their lowest possibility. It follows that “crimes against humanity” will take the same course.

For an explanation of a society built around science’s best, one would be well advised to read Technocracy literature which is readily available.

— John Taube Section 12237-1, Technocracy Inc., San Francisco, Calif.