Paul Cordsmeyer, a long time Technocrat passed on March 19, 2016.

Paul Cordsmeyer was born in 1942, during the height of the WWII era. Like many people of that era, he was looking for something ‘better’. He enlisted in the Air Force and served in Germany. He was a very intelligent man and insisted on doing things the “right way”.

Paul moved to CHQ in 1995 and provided many services including maintenance and being editor for the Trend Events newsletter. He loved groups and was able to talk to anyone with ease. He worked often handing out leaflets and informational packets about Technocracy to groups around the country.

He applied for membership to Technocracy in 1963 and served as a Unit leader in Florida. He was very active in Technocracy and spent a lot of time with at the Ohio CHQ property. Howard Scott had a couple of large protective German Shepherds. When Paul walked onto the property the first time, the dogs just ran up and rolled over to have their bellies rubbed! Howard Scott told Paul right then, ‘If my dogs like you that much there must be something good about you.’ That was Paul’s introduction to Howard Scott.

Paul served in the Air Force and was a disabled veteran. While in the service he went to school to be a denturist- making crowns, partials, etc. He loved to tell the story about a dentist who insisted that Paul stay in his area because Paul could make crowns that the dentist could “just toss into the patients mouth and seal them down”, very few adjustments were ever necessary, Paul was very proud of his dedication to doing the job right, in any job he took on.

Paul served in the Air Force and was a disabled veteran. While in the service he went to school to be a denturist- making crowns, partials, etc. He loved to tell the story about a dentist who insisted that Paul stay in his area because Paul could make crowns that the dentist could “just toss into the patients mouth and seal them down”, very few adjustments were ever necessary, Paul was very proud of his dedication to doing the job right, in any job he took on.

Paul was also very interested in “intelligent science fiction”, books, movies and shows that portrayed a future that had some technological advances. Because of this interest he hosted Star Trek and other Conventions. He met an amazing array of personalities. He even had lunch with Gene Roddenberry the creator of Star Trek. He said he was talking with Gene about Technocracy and the unique social system it would provide and Gene proved very interested, in the latter Star Trek Episodes they referred to a social system that was not based on the Price System. So, maybe Paul had some influence in television!